Flower essences are for humans, animals, plants and the land. Helen as a practitioner is a plant whisperer and believes that emotional wellbeing is essential for our physical health. Flower essences help guide our soul back home. They are tools for accessing harmony and support your energy frequency while improving consciousness. They help us connect to our soul reminding us of our inner light. When we recognise and have awareness of our emotional wellbeing our own true inner work can begin that often eases our physical issues that can hold us back. Flower essences can empower your soul to become aligned and awake often bringing forward what it is we truly need to integrate and bring into harmony.
If you are seeking a new approach to any area in your life and live your life more mindfully trusting your own inner wisdom, the magic of Flower essences are here to guide you with skilled practitioner Helen.
Helen creates a therapeutic space allowing you to have time to listen and hear your- self through the wisdom of the flower essences. The following options can be arranged by telephone or online.
This is a one hour talking consultation with guided meditation, we will work together in a safe space. This includes a personalized blend of essences from the Flower Portal created by Helen.
This has proven to be most valuable for clients unable to travel or those over- seas. It is a one-hour remote healing session which will be followed up by a guided message via email.
Vibrational flower essence healing is a light touch healing. A gentle placement of hands using intuitive guidance from the Vibrational flower essences made by intuitive healer Helen who has 20 years’ experience of energy healing including shamanic healing and Reiki.