Animal Communication & Flower Essences
2nd of December, 2020
This week has been a real turning point in animal communication and flower essences.
I have been starting off a young sheep dog for a friend and he is called Nip. Well, Nip has been taking flower essences as he was very anxious and nervous when he first came here with very little trust. So, this week he showed signs of really coming on well. He kind of knows all that is going on for me also.
One day this week I was having a rather low day. Lots of loss in the last 3 years has taken its toll and I have been rather exhausted with the building of the Gathering Fields. I was quite sad that morning on my walk with Nip, then he decided to shake things up a bit and pull a fast one and do a runner. I was really annoyed with him, so the walk was cut short.
Anyway, I had to go away for the day, so my boys oversaw Nip. When I returned Nip had eaten 4 baby oaks and demolished my favourite plant that I had been nurturing for a while, which was the bleeding heart (Dicentra).
So surprise, surprise he was trying to tell me something.
Oak as a flower essence is used for exhaustion and Dicentra is used for grief loss and unconditional love. So today was spent making Mother essence of those two plants to take as remedies.
You can never underestimate the power of plant and animal communication.